Birchwood Casey Tru-Oil Stock Finish 8oz

Birchwood + Casey

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Product Overview

Birchwood Casey's Tru-Oil has been the professional's choice for more than 30 years. Its unique blend of linseed oil and natural oils dries fast, resists water damage and will not cloud, yellow or crack with age. Tru-Oil penetrates deeply and forms a tough, clear, hard finish that protects and enhances the beauty of wood. The finish can be polished to a high gloss or "cut" for a satin finish. Contains linseed and other natural oils.

  • Resists water damage and will not cloud, yellow, or crack with age.
  • Oil penetrates the wood and forms a clear finish that protects the wood.
  • Works also as a sealer for under butt plates, recoil pads, and in inletted actions to prevent stock damage.


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