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Only Available Online (For In-Store Pick Up allow 7-10 days or call us to check floor stock)

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Product Overview

>>The Gun Butler offers a convenient all-in-one solution to all your cleaning/carrying/storage needs. Two removable non-marring forks (which snap into the base for easy storage) hold the gun securely in place, while thoughtfully-planned compartments and slots hold bore solvent, jags, brushes, mops, a cleaning rod, spray lubricant, and tools. >>The Gun Butler can store everything a shooter needs to clean a gun - all with a convenient carrying handle for easy transport. >>For many hunters and shooters, gun cleaning is enough of a chore without having to keep track of all the tools and supplies it takes to clean a gun properly. Serious shooters who clean on a regular basis, often clean both at the shop and on the range. >>The Gun Butler offers an affordable, convenient solution for storage and transportation of supplies as well as a secure gun holder for the actual cleaning process.


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