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Product Overview

>>The RCBS Primer Pocket Swager-2 has been redesigned to quickly remove the primer pocket crimp from a larger variety of cases than the original. >>Unlike reaming, the Pocket Swager Kit forms a perfectly round pocket that is the correct dimensions for American boxer-type primers. >>The Combo comes with swaging heads for both large and small primer pockets. This tool also features swaging rods that are made form stronger higher tensile strength steel that more than doubles the strength when comparing to the original tool. >>Not for use on progressive presses. >>Technical Information <>Fits: Single stage and turret presses <>Material: Steel >>Kit Contains: <>2 Swager rods: (smallest is for 223 only) <>1 Case stripper <>1 Large and 1 small swager head (for primer pockets) <>1 Swager die body with locking ring that has standard 7/8-14 threads for use with standard single stage presses >>Notes: <>This is a press mounted system for removing the military crimp from cases <>If you are using the RCBS Big Max press you will need the optional case stripper for the Big Max Press (RCBS part number 09489) <>If you are using the RCBS Model A-2 Press, you will need the optional case stripper washer for the A-2 Press (RCBS part number 09488)


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