Greenstone Vest Green


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Only Available Online (For In-Store Pick Up allow 7-10 days)

Product Overview

  • Waterproof and fully opened game bag.
  • Ambidextrous recoil pad.
  • Waterproof game bag on the front.
  • Security pocket on the front.
  • Two generous front flap pockets with cartridge holder.
  • Beeper pocket.

Cotton hunting vest ideal for the beginning of the season. Made from strong but soft fabric, innovative in design.

Warranty Information



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All prices are subject to change (STC) due to fluctuation in the Australian Dollar as most items are imported. This also includes items which were ordered and were delivered at a higher cost than at the time of quotation. Refunds are available where quotation price cannot be maintained due to price increases (whether it be from supplier or as a direct result of cost increases of imported items).